Want to see Kendra Sunderland, the Oregon State library porn star without her clothing? Well, you could search for such on the internet and likely come across some lovely photos and/or video. Or you could simply give the girl a retweet on Twitter.
Yep, simple as that sounds, Kendra Sunderland offered to strip down into her birthday suit for nothing more than some retweets.
Work clothes off..if this pic gets 1000 re-tweets I will post a full body nude! #librarygirl breaks the internet pic.twitter.com/Koz1N9os3l
— Kendra Sunderland (@TheKendraS) February 16, 2015
So did it work? Well, yes and no. The Oregon State porn star did follow through on her request so at least she’s a woman of her word, but she didn’t get that many retweets sadly. Still, there are a variety of sites talking about Sunderland’s offer (like this one) so that seems to be as if she did a wonderful job marketing herself yet again.
I bet the pizza boy she offered to let touch her boobs is now hating life.