On a near daily basis, there is a story going viral that often includes high school kids sleeping with their teacher. But today’s a little different as teacher Patrice ‘Tricey’ Brown didn’t sleep with any kids nor does she teach high school.
Tricey Brown is going viral rather for her teaching outfit, which some say is a bit too scandalous for those in grade school.
Brown says she’s dressed like this for years and doesn’t see the big deal. Many on the internet, however, disagree.
A fourth grade teacher, Tricey, who goes by ‘Paris Monroe’ on Instagram, has caught flack for the skin tight outfits.
The teacher, whose real name is Patrice “Tricey” Brown, is a graduate from Alabama State University and teaches the fourth grade. She goes by “Paris Monroe” on Instagram and is being dubbed as the “sexiest teacher alive.”
Several rappers and celebrities have followed Ms. Brown’s IG page, which is currently sitting at around 35,000 followers (which isn’t bad at all for a teacher).
Brown’s page has also been showered with numerous compliments and dating offers by men, who wish she was their teacher when they were in the fourth grade.
Here are some of the pictures that have went viral: