Meet Sommer Ray’s Mom – 52-Year-Old Milf Shannon Ray

You all know Sommer Ray, right? I mean, she and Jen Selter pretty much have the best asses on the internet.

But Sommer isn’t the only Ray with a nice booty.

Meet Shannon Ray, Sommer Ray’s 52-year-old mom.

Talk about some serious MILF going on.

Sommer introduced the world to her hot mom a few months back and in that time, Shannon Ray’s Instagram has ballooned to nearly 150,000 followers.

It’s pretty easy to see why, too.

Pretty jaw dropping right?

But what kind of people would we be if we didn’t give her daughter Sommer Ray some Instagram love too?!?!

That is one family I can get behind.

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Written by Frank White

I've written on a lot of your favorite websites while I live in my mother's basement. If you only knew what a hard time I'm having holding these alligators down. Woo. | Twitter: @GuyHut | FB: @GuyHutSports