Stephen Curry Stole This New Move From High School Player

Stephen Curry

I’m not sure Stephen Curry needed any additional moves on the basketball court since he’s pretty much unguardable already, but the Golden State Warriors star and NBA MVP is always looking to improve himself.

That includes the addition of a new basketball move which he learned from…..a high school player?

Yep – a high school player.

Dennis Smith Jr. tweeted out that he was teaching Steph Curry the move when the Warriors star was in Las Vegas and in what was probably the coolest moment of Smith’s life, Curry then tweeted out that he learned the new move from the high school basketball star.

Per Complex:

“I was sitting on the sidelines and watching all the guys play one-on-one against each other, and we had different groups, and he pulled that move off,” Curry said. “He’s a little more athletic than me as a high-schooler — he dunked on somebody. I saw him do it a couple times, and thought, ‘Yeah, that might work for me to get some separation for a jump shot or whatever.'”

The move that is being talked about starts at the :08 second portion of the below video:

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Written by Frank White

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