Ezekiel Elliott’s Girlfriend Says She Was A Sex Slave

Just when you thought the alleged Ezekiel Elliott domestic violence story couldn’t get any stranger, it does as Elliott’s girlfriend – Tiffany Thompson – says not only was she physically abused but was also a sex slave.

Thompson has removed the domestic violence pictures she posted on social media, but maintains she was beat up by the Dallas Cowboys running back and the police report cites Thompson as stating she was the NFL player sex slave.

In a first police report, Thompson told police that he has struck her several times from Saturday July 16 through Wednesday July 20 – leaving bruises on her arms. She also claimed that they lived together for approximately 3 months within the past year.

In the report, filled out by Thompson, she lists her occupation as “sex slave.”

Elliott claims he never touched Thompson and that the bruises on her body were caused by a bar fight she was in. He also stated that he and Thompson never lived together but he did pay for her rent and was a co-signer on her vehicle.

Did Thompson not know what they meant when they were asking for her occupation or was she trying to prove a point? Either way, a strange story getting even more odd by the moment.

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Written by Frank White

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