On Sunday, this Mom likely enjoyed her special day.
On Monday, she panicked because she gave her toddler son a horrible haircut. But that’s when a light bulb went off in her head and she made one of the greatest decisions anybody has ever made during their life.
Yes, after a bad haircut, the mother turned her toddler son into Walter White from Breaking Bad.
The young woman got a little too crazy with the clippers apparently and accidentally chopped off a little more than she wanted to. She could have left it there, leaving her son to look rather goofy. But why do that when you can go full Walter White instead?
When Mary accidentally gave her son a bald spot while giving him a quick trim, she decided to roll with it.
Seeing as there was no way to even it up, she got creative with a pair of glasses and some eyeliner to turn him into Breaking Bad’s Walter White.
This isn’t the first time we’ve seen kids dress up as Walter White, especially lately considering the popularity of the former TV show, but this wasn’t a Halloween costume which makes it even funnier.
Pretty epic stuff. Hopefully the kid likes it, though.