Dannie Riel Motorboating Vicki Li (Video)

What would the world be without Live Rich Media? Not sure I ever want to find out because all they do is provide us with absurdly hot videos and pictures on a daily basis. Case in point, here we have video of Dannie Riel motorboating Vicki Li.

Yeah, you read that correctly. Dannie Riel motorboating Vicki Li.

I’m not sure I’ve ever typed a more jaw dropping string of words.

And speaking of jaw dropping, just watch this motorboat video and try not to pass out on the spot:


Absolutely fantastic.

Now, you’re probably wanting a few more pictures of Dannie Riel and Vicki Li, right?

Of course you are. And little did you know, I moonlight as a magic genie…your wish is my command:





And that, my friends, is how you win the internet.

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Written by Frank White

I've written on a lot of your favorite websites while I live in my mother's basement. If you only knew what a hard time I'm having holding these alligators down. Woo. | Twitter: @GuyHut | FB: @GuyHutSports