Nicki Minaj’s Boobs Stop Young Fan From Crying (Video)

Nicki Minaj

Say what you will about Nicki Minaj, but she’s extremely kind and giving to her fans. Maybe a bit too much because on Wednesday night, a young teenage fan got the chance of his life and ran away with it.

Minaj, who is in Europe for her Pinkprint Tour brought the young male fan on stage who then could not stop crying. Nicki Minaj talked to him in attempt to calm his nerves but that only made things worse.

Not sure of what to, the MC grabbed the young fan and placed his head on her very low cut shirt. For a moment the crying continued but that’s when he decided to troll us all.

Laying his head on Nicki Minaj’s boobs, the fan stopped crying and raised his eyebrows almost in a “look what I have” suggestion. Nicki apparently took notice of it, perhaps later in the evening and posted the hilarious video.

I have to admit, I’m pretty sure Nicki Minaj’s boobs wouldn’t stop me from crying. Actually, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be crying at all if she popped ‘dem thangz’ out as she notes above. Drooling? Sure, there would be drooling. But crying? Maybe tears of joy.

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Written by Frank White

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