NASCAR Driver Merchandise Trailers Replaced By Fanatics Tent

Nascar Merchandise Trailer

If you’ve ever been to a NASCAR race there’s a damn good chance you’ve made your way through the absurd amount of trailers selling driver merchandise. It was almost a right of passage come a NASCAR weekend, but it will be no more.

That’s the word from ESPN’s Darren Rovell who says Fanatics, the world’s largest sports retailer has signed a 10-year contract to become NASCAR’s official on-track retailer. In doing so, they will now replace the iconic merchandise truck trailers with a large tent.

Anybody who has baked in the blazing sun walking through the aisles of merchandise trailers knows how uncomfortable that can be and the addition of what is likely to be an air-conditioned tent will be well received in that regard. Still, for many NASCAR fans, walking through the driver trucks was one of the highlights of their weekend and will certainly be missed. Also, it puts a ton of people out of a job though you have to wonder if they’ll still attend each race, just not be “officially” involved at inside the race track. Perhaps they’ll be able to get permits and park outside of the venue.

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Written by Frank White

I've written on a lot of your favorite websites while I live in my mother's basement. If you only knew what a hard time I'm having holding these alligators down. Woo. | Twitter: @GuyHut | FB: @GuyHutSports