French Beauty Queen Banned Because Of This Hot Photo

If you enter a beauty pageant, you know you’re subjected to a rather strict set of rules. But for one French beauty queen, she probably didn’t expect them to be this strict.

That’s because 23-year-old beauty queen Eugénie Journée, who previously held the title of ‘Miss Britney’ (yeah, I know) had her crown and title stripped because of a ‘topless’ photo.

Keep in mind, the picture doesn’t show very much and we’ve seen far worse before. If anything, it looks like some form of a weird PETA ad. But I regress….

Miss France director Sylvie defended the decision, telling Metronews: ‘The problem isn’t whether the photos are shocking or artistic. It’s the act of going void of clothes that we punish.

‘It’s a shame because she is very pretty. She was one of my favourites,’ Tellier added.

As for the picture that got the beauty queen banned? Let’s just say it’s available on Facebook, which is about as tight as they come.

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Written by Frank White

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