Meet Kennedy Summers: Playboy Model Turned Stock Trader

Kennedy Summers

I fully admit, I’m not one who’s big on watching CNBC or any of the other stock related television shows.

Jim Cramer is about the last guy I’d spend an afternoon with.

But Kennedy Summers? I think I might change my tune for that.

If the name sounds familiar, that’s because it should. Kennedy Summers is a Playboy model – actually the 2014 Playmate of the Year – who doesn’t only look good, but has a brain that’s even more jaw dropping than her body.

Summers has not only perfected the art of being absurdly hot, but is also becoming quite the day trader, she might be in use of some stock advisors like those at Stocktrades. In fact, she’s a rising star in the industry, if they were to have such a thing as the Playboy model is making big money trading stocks.

Since Summers lives in LA, she wakes up around 5 a.m. PT and trades “usually at home in my pajamas.” Cyber Trading University lets Summers use its chat-room services for free. (The service costs $297 per month. Summers said she promotes them on Twitter to her more than 15,000 followers).


Day trading has also been a way for Summers to supplement her income. Modeling doesn’t always mean a consistent paycheck. To be fair, neither does trading.

“It’s a good supplement to earn some extra money.”

Summers claimed that on a good day she can make around $600. There have been some days where she’d lose around $1,300, she said. On days when she loses, she said it makes her want to work harder.

“I just try to balance it. I can’t win everyday,” she said.

Pretty impressive, right? Just like these Kennedy Summers pictures:

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Written by Frank White

I've written on a lot of your favorite websites while I live in my mother's basement. If you only knew what a hard time I'm having holding these alligators down. Woo. | Twitter: @GuyHut | FB: @GuyHutSports