Meet The Megan Fox Lookalike – Bethany Anya

There aren’t many people more beautiful in this world than Megan Fox, so I’m pretty sure that Bethany Anya is having no trouble in the dude department.

That’s because she is a dead ringer for the a-list actress.

I mean seriously, it’s difficult to tell the difference between the two with side-by-side pictures and the uncanny resemblance has the internet freaking out.

Being Megan Fox’s lookalike hasn’t hurt the ol’ Instagram follower count either, as the doppelganger has amassed upwards of 16,000 followers.

“It’s very flattering; I see it from time to time but I mostly just think I resemble myself,” Bethany said.

“I have gotten comments that I look like her but I’m a much taller version with many more tattoos. I’m a little apathetic about it but it’s always nice to be compared to someone so lovely.

“I think she is incredible smart and witty, way more than people give her credit for. She tends to get brought up just for her looks but she’s certainly much more than a beautiful woman.”

You can check out Bethany Anya’s Instagram below:

Bethany Anya isn’t the only Megan Fox lookalike, as busty Claudia Alende has also went viral for looking like the Hollywood starlet:

Meet Claudia Alende – The Busty Megan Fox Lookalike

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Written by Frank White

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