Earlier this week Twitter users decided Tuesday would be ‘No Bra Day’ and apparently Selena Gomez was listening.
This isn’t the firs time Selena Gomez decided to skip her undergarment – in fact – it’s something she’s been doing quite often lately. But earlier this week, things got a little nippy outside because Selena Gomez decided to wear a see-through shirt.
Needless to say, the masses were appeased.
Many might assume the Selena Gomez pictures are fake and with good reason, though, the original frames came from a well known celebrity tabloid.
This isn’t the first time we’ve seen a paparazzi camera flash result in the see-through look as Pamela Anderson also had this happen to her a few weeks back. Of course, we’ve all seen the goods Pamela is packing – we can’t say the same about Selena. At least, not until now.
Couple this with the fact that she’s interested in becoming a lesbian and Selena Gomez is trying to break the internet.