It’s no secret that you could purchase a Christmas tree from Amazon, but those trees were artificial in nature. There’s no way they could sell actual, living trees, right? Wrong. Yes, Amazon will sell live Christmas trees this year that they’ll have shipped directly to you.
It’s not known if Amazon has come up with some patented technology that will allow them to send the tree in their typical shipping box or (the more likely scenario) if the Christmas trees will be hand-delivered. Either way, you don’t need to hit up your local Christmas tree stand of farm to have a bit of extra cheer during your holiday season.
Amazon’s Christmas trees will be around 7 feet tall and buyers will pick from Douglas firs, Norfolk Island pines, and a variety of other choices. Prices will vary depending on the type of tree, though its expected most will range in the $115 to $120 price range.
As if that’s not enough, Amazon will also be selling live wreaths and poinsettias with candy canes for $50 and $25 respectively.