As we’ve documented before, Dan Bilzerian has quite the life. I mean, this is the same guy who has literally run out of space for $400,000 dollar cars and has decided to sell them online because he has too many.
Tough living, right? As if that wasn’t enough, Dan Bilzerian likes to post photos of himself surrounded by absurdly hot and extremely busty women. Accompanying such are usually large stacks of money and every reason in the world for you to be envious of Dan Bilzerian’s life.
Now the poker player turned international playboy is at it again, this time posting a few photos of himself in bed with an extremely big busted women.
Apparently the model asked Dan Bilzerian not to show her huge boobs but he insisted on doing so anyway, though covered them up with some chicken scratch.
I’m not sure where Dan Bilzerian was attempting to go with this, other than wanting to make you jealous of his fancy lifestyle.
And dammit, it worked.
Here all this time I thought I needed to work on my jumper and footwork and it was really just a poker face I needed to perfect.
H/T Total Frat Move