Being the amateur scientist that you are, you’ve probably at one point or another tossed a Mentos into a bottle of Coke to witness a rather cool ‘explosion’. Of course, the ‘explosion’ is nothing more than fizzed up Coke shooting out of the bottle.
You could get the same effect if you just shook up a bottle of the sugary drink, but what happens if you covered your entire body in Mentos and jumped into a bathtub full of Coke?!
If you’re thinking your house would explode, well, you’d be wrong. Really wrong as evidenced by this man who decided to fill up the tub with soda and hop in covered in the candy.
The end result was less than inspiring:
Sure, there was some fizzing there but I was waiting for the dude to get shot through the roof of his bathroom and possibly into the front yard of his neighbor. Now that would have been a sight to behold.
In the end though I just watched a guy strip down to his boxers, cover himself in a few hundred breath mints and splash around in a tub full of Coke. Pretty sure I was just epically trolled here.