Busty Woman’s Harmless Selfies Stolen And Then Made Into Porn

Folks, meet Noelle Martin . The rather busty 22-year-old is a fan of social media like most women her age and often spends her days updating her Instagram account. But then one day she started receiving messages with naughty pictures of herself. The kind you might see on a website that sounds like Horn Tub.

Only problem? They weren’t naughty pictures that Noelle Martin had taken.

What did happen though was Martin had her pictures stolen from the internet and digitally altered into porn pictures.

The ‘photoshopping’ is a new phenomenon called ‘parasite porn’ or ‘morph porn’ according to ABC Australia.

Noelle Martin was just 17 years old when predators stole a “selfie” she posted on her Facebook feed and plastered it over porn websites around the world.

Other harmless social photos of the young woman were also copied and pasted onto porn sites where users made explicit comments about her appearance, a practice referred to as “parasite porn”.

In others users doctored images to put her head on the body of porn stars, known as “morph” porn.

Now aged 22, Ms Martin is finishing a law degree and said she felt violated by the continuing use of her image.

“I was at my uni residence and it was around two o’clock in the morning and I was just at home on my computer and I just decided to Google image reverse myself,” she said.

They were saying things like ‘the amount of come that’s been spilt over her could fill a swimming pool’. Or, ‘cover her face and we’d f*** her body’. I was called trash, a slut.

I’m sorry, but that last paragraph? On a professional news website? I can’t even.

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Written by Frank White

I've written on a lot of your favorite websites while I live in my mother's basement. If you only knew what a hard time I'm having holding these alligators down. Woo. | Twitter: @GuyHut | FB: @GuyHutSports